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  • What type of Ninja Course should I get?
    We're glad you asked! Finding the right Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course for your needs is key. Check out this post to help determine which option is right for you!
  • What is the difference between the MegaCube and Limited Edition MegaCube?
    Great Question! They are both awesome - we just swapped some of the obstacles offered. Please see the table below. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
  • What is a lache and why is it important?
    A lache is when you hang from your hands, then throw yourself from one place to another. If you've ever seen American Ninja Warrior, you've seen tons of laches! You can lache to the ground, to a platform, to a balance obstacle, to another obstacle... Lacheing is a common skill practiced in Ninja Warrior, Parkour, and Gymnastics. Every good ninja course typically includes a variety of laches to various points. A good lache rig will contain the ability to not only do laches, but to adjust the distance and variety of the lache to be practiced. All World Ninja Sport rigs (except for the Ninja Monkey Rig) come with lache bars that can be adjusted to give you versatility in your training. When should you train laches? You should lache every day! It's a foundational skill for your ninja training that will help develop your arm strength, explosivity, and develop the calluses that make your hands strong. What are the different types of lache bars? Drop in lache bars - Found on our Babylon and Monster series rigs. These bars can be easily moved just by pushing up to release the bar from the ledger notches. Then you can take the bar out or move it to another notch location. You can also hang obstacles from these bars! Clamp-on lache bars - Found on many of our Steel and Aluminum rigs like the Steel Monster Bolt-on lache bars - Found on our Playland Rig. How to Lache: If you'd like to know more about lache bar options, ninja courses suitable for you, or how to integrate lache bars into your setup, feel free to reach out and speak to one of our ninjas 😀 347-746-4652
  • The mats and cover arrived yesterday, and everything looks great. Thank you! One question – do you advise putting a tarp below the mats too (in addition to the cover on top)? Our ground is pretty moist, so we’ll probably do that, but I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a reason we should not do it.
    Awesome! Thank you so much for confirming! We're very happy that you're happy! Good question - a tarp could help as long as it stays dry, but if you have rain or sprinklers, the water will get on top of the tarp, then stay in between the tarp and mat, potentially exacerbating the problem. I would recommend a tarp as long as you can dry it out after, or cover it before any rain. Alternatively, pea gravel, sand, and rubber mulch make pretty nice foundations that allow water to flow down. I hope that helps! If you need anything else or would like to talk in more detail, feel free to call or email 😀
  • Curious. I want to set up a "belt" program. Like they have in martial arts. Do you have any suggestions on what categories I should test?
    Awesome! Yes, here are some common testable ninja skills. Lache for distance to a spot. Lache distance from bar to bar. Dead hang from a bar. Dead hang from a Cliffhanger. Longest Cliffhanger traverse. Longest precision jump. Longest straight balance (balance on an object that is totally straight). Fastest course time. For this one, you would set up a standard course with the same distances for everyone to compete on. Most successful Warped Wall attempts in 30 or 60 seconds. Most grip changes on a course in 60 seconds. They can traverse to any obstacle; every time their hand changes position, they score a point. Fall Training: Safety Roll/Parkour Roll Falling to mats Drop Falls Dive Rolls
  • Can you tell me more about the virtual SPOTTED Level 1 course offered from the UNAA Ninja Coach Certification page? The UNAA page says that it is virtual for 8-10 hours. I'm wondering how it's structured; for example, do coaches need to be in the gym, do they need access to "athletes," etc.
    The Level 1 consists of 12 modules that are completed online. Some of the challenges will require the coach to have access to a gym to set up obstacles because we want coaches to have hands on experience developing certain skills taught in the training. Students are not needed, but for one of the challenges, coaches will need a partner so that they can set up a course with rules and practice giving the rules of the course with them.
  • Your registration page says "1 year" ... does this mean the certification is good for 1 year? (Does this mean the Level 1 / Level 2 that we did last spring is also "only good" for 1 year?) Is there a recertification option?
    Yes - after one year every Level 1 and Level 2 coach needs to recertify. It's an easy online process. We take the certification designation seriously and want to do all we can to ensure that coaches are actually coaching (to keep their skills sharp), retain important information from the certification, and have continued their education (we ask them to list any examples of classes they took or other education opportunities they've taken to broaden their knowledge as a coach). As a coach comes toward the end of their first year certified, we will ask them to fill out a recertification form that asks some basic questions. The cost for recertification is $50. Here's the link to all of our online programs including the online renewal.
  • What else do I need to know? I know that your goal is to make money, but using the lens of what is ideal for the sport, i.e. the gold standard: how many coaches per facility should be Level 1? And Level 2?
    -The following is a response from our Founder, Justin Conway- Money is secondary for us - it's necessary for us to operate but the reason this all started is because I was asked to build a ninja course back in 2015, and I didn't feel comfortable just building the course and giving it to coaches that didn't have a foundation for ninja, so I developed a training to ensure that anyone that uses obstacles will also know how to operate them safely and know how to progress the sport. I often have conversations with gym owners about how many coaches they should have Level 2 certified and I always advise them to have 2-4 coaches per gym - it's not necessary to have the whole team Level 2 certified because Level 2 coaches should be seen as your Leads/Managers; the people that are able to mentor and disseminate good information and coaching practices to others. Not everyone is fit to be a Lead/Manager. Our recommended progression is to have a coach brought on as an apprentice - this new coach will follow a certified coach to see how the gym is run and get a foundation for ninja training (added bonus: the apprentice also allows a Level 2 coach with an 8/1 student ratio to take on 4-6 more students because the apprentice can take some of the supervision responsibility). Mentoring and building the culture is extremely important for keeping consistency in the gym and developing a strong team. Once they've done a good job as an apprentice, have them take Level 1. We advise you to Level 1 certify any coach that will have their own classes/sessions, but helpers do not need the certification because they should be working along side a certified coach. Once they pass the Level 1 test, they can be considered an Assistant Coach or Level 1 coach. Finally, if they show prowess as a coach, leadership skills, and commitment to your gym (this is important for you to protect your investment in them), then we recommend getting them Level 2 Certified.
  • What is included in a ninja course purchase from World Ninja Sport?
    When you purchase a ninja course from World Ninja Sport, you can expect to receive access to high-quality obstacle courses designed for various skill levels and unmatched expertise. Everyone on our team has over 10 years of experience as ninja coaches and athletes, so we know how to design ninja courses optimally. Our courses are fully customizable and tailored to your specific needs, whether you're training for ninja warrior competitions or simply looking for a fun workout. Additionally, before and after your purchase, you'll receive expert guidance from our team of experienced ninja coaches to help you make the most of your course. When you choose World Ninja Sport, you get permanent access to our team that is here to help you thrive as a ninja gym owner.

How do I sign the waiver to run a World Ninja Sport course?

Answer: Click here to Start!

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World Ninja Sport is not affiliated with American Ninja Warrior, Ninja Warrior, TBS, or NBC.

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